
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Five Common Causes of Car Accidents

Automobiles may offer freedom and the ability to get from point A to point B without much work and in a minimal amount of time, but they also can be destructive forces when used in inexperienced or impaired hands, or in conditions unsuitable for safe driving.

Even though you may be the perfect driver, other drivers are more careless or apt to make a poor judgment. Below are five Godzilla model causes of car accidents. By 1953 Bowman black and white awareness of common causes of car accidents, hopefully awareness will be increased and less poor decisions made.

1. Driver's Negligence to Legal Regulations

Drivers commonly break traffic laws. While these habitual law infractions may appear minor, eventually they will lead to an automobile accident that may cause serious injury or even death. Common traffic laws broken by drivers include:

  • Disobeying traffic signals
  • Tailgating
  • Exceeding speed limits
  • Running stop signs or stop lights

By breaking traffic laws that other vehicles and pedestrians adhere to, you are compromising not only your own safety but the well-being of innocent civilians, too.

2. Driving Under the Influence

Alcohol and other toxins lower a driver's reaction time and judgment. While states allow drivers to have minor levels of alcohol in their bloodstream, anything above the legal limit compromises your ability to successfully operate a motor vehicle, increasing the potential risk of an automobile accident.

In addition, other distractions, such as cell phones or texting-both of which are illegal in many states-commonly cause car accidents.

3. Sleep Deprivation

No Jumbo Machinder how many Red Bulls or No Doses you consume, depriving your body of needed sleep will lower your reaction time and increase the likelihood of a car accident. Sleep deprivation is a common cause of truck accidents due to operators attempting to meet stressful, and often unrealistic, deadlines.

4. Bad Weather

Poor weather, such as sustained wind, heavy Tokidoki rain or ice drastically increases the likelihood of an automobile accident. Driving in these conditions should be performed with extreme caution.

5. Defective Vehicles

Even though manufacturers recall defective vehicles, this action is not undertaken until enough injurious or fatal accidents have occurred. Defective vehicles can also be the fault of a mechanic who failed to notice an issue or an owner who procrastinated addressing an issue.

If you have been involved in a car accident in the New York City area, including Brooklyn, Bronx, Nassau County, and Suffolk County, New York area, please href="ask4sam.net/contact.html">contact Silberstein, Awad & Miklos today to schedule your free, initial consultation

Reasons to Keep Your Historic Wood Windows

Windows are a primary character defining feature Godaikin a historic home, yet are at the most risk for wholesale replacement during home renovation projects. This is because many homeowners Aurora Wolfman model know how easily they can be repaired and are sold on window manufacturer's claims of no maintenance and Wacky Packages efficiency. Window replacement is a costly project that diminishes the historic character of a home and actually increases long term replacement costs.

Typically made of vinyl, aluminum, or a composite with wood, most modern windows touted as "maintenance free" are actually better described as "unable to be maintained" and will not last as long as the original windows. Unlike historic wood windows that can be repaired to function indefinitely, most modern windows have an anticipated life span of about twenty years. After this time, the spring mechanisms give way and the seals around the glass fail, allowing unsightly condensation or fogging on the panes. Added to this, if the glass and/ or frame of a modern window is damaged by a projectile, the unit generally requires a factory repair or total replacement. Compare this to a historic wood window that can be repaired by a handy homeowner or a local woodworker when the weights let loose, a pane is broken or sash rots.

Another common fallacy about replacement windows is that they will save dramatically on energy costs. While modern replacement windows offer a higher R-value than traditional windows, the resulting energy savings do not cover the costs of the replacement windows within their twenty year service-life. Other energy savings projects such as installing storm windows, insulating the attic, adding weatherstripping around windows and doors, installing shading devices such as awnings and adding solar powered attic fans are better energy saving investments that don't result in the loss of historic fabric of the home.

Ms. Peck is a Historic Creepy Crawlers Consultant with over 12 years experience working with historic Florida homes. She is President of Preservation Resource, Inc. ( href="preservationresource.com">preservationresource.com), which has recently introduced a specialized line of traditional products for historic homes at href="HistoricShed.com">HistoricShed.com