Three Tips to Help You Save Money at the Grocery Store
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It was a balmy 98 degrees the other night and of course my wife thought it was a great time to leave the cool comforts of our air condition to trek outside to go grocery shopping.
I hunkered down, agreed, placed my son in his car seat, JOT his bag and off we went. It was time for the weekly family trip to get our groceries.
The cost of food, at least on most items at our store seems to have sky rocketed. Today I want to cover a couple of money saving tips that you could use to help ease the pain of the rising costs of food.
In Season
For your fruits and vegetables stick what is in season. Items that are in season come from shorter distances are in greater abundances and invariable cost less.
No Name
Many store brand items are manufactured from the same place as the name brand items and priced a lot lower. For example, store brand corn flakes are nearly identical to the name brand, and the store brand is a lot cheaper.
Search Low and High
Premier more expensive items are placed on the King of the Hill at stores at eye level to the customer. That is because people are more likely to buy a product if they are looking directly at it as opposed to searching for impotence cause Companies pay premiums in many grocery stores to have their items placed at eye level in turn raising the costs of their products. The cheaper items are placed higher and lower. So search for them and help save yourself some money.
So there you have it, three ideas you can start with to help save yourself and family money on your next grocery bill. With the rising costs of fuel in turn raising the prices of every product that we buy, any amount of money we can save can only help.
About the Author:
Mr. Podlesny is a freelance writer for, an online advertising and social networking medium where you can promote your business, products and services for sale and hire throughout the world without pay-per-click prices or auction fees.
You also read Mr. Podlesny's: 9 Additional">Money Saving Tips For The Grocery Store.