Benny Hinn: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
If it truly is about HIM and not about Hinn then why do we pay so much attention to Benny Hinn? Right now almost everyone reading this is agreeing with me: YES! It is not about Benny Hinn!
Some agree because they support Benny Hinn and say what he does is completely a God-thing, so it is all about God. Others agree that it is all about Hinn because they take issue with Bennys methods and excesses and believe that he is doing damage to God.
I have spent a lot of years inappropriately judging what Benny does or probably better put: how he does it. In the past he has always seemed to be a showman and a show off with the huge venue, the white suits, and the 'Donald' when it comes to hair style.
But God is gracious and has been faithful to slowly and painfully remove much judgment from my heart; however, I am positive there is more judgment and pride that needs to go! As I sat in the gigantic auditorium Center that evening I was in tears because I was in awe at a God who loved me too much to leave me in my sin; who loved me too much to leave me in the seat of the Pharisee (always pointing and judging and yet not doing the Lord's work).
You have already heard about the ugly! That I stood in judgment against someone who I have no relationship with and no corporate place to speak into their life. Of course, I do believe in church correction and utilizing proper scriptural authority but somewhere along the line I forgot that I was not God's religious bulldog sent to sniff out bad doctrine and tear up His letter carriers.
The bad is not as bad as I expected it to be. I really did not enjoy the church culture represented by Hinn Ministries with the fancy clothing, the carnival-hype, and the music that seemed incredibly old and religious to me (very too old-fashioned). In reality though, most of that is just me in that I do not enjoy concerts, amusement parks, and large venues of any sort.
The crusade is definitely a huge show with Benny as the ring master. He is in control of the choir, the music team, the back up singers, the ushers, and the entire audience from the beginning to the end. That is just the way it is and with a crowd this big it was not a bad thing.
The healing portion of the almost 3 hours was only about 30-minutes long and was ended abruptly which I found odd. A lot of time was given to the choir, to BH Ministry activities, etc., so I found myself accident no win no fee antsy after working all day and then sitting through something that was extremely boring for so long.
Benny presented a brilliantly simple explanation of the gospel of salvation and made it quite clear that physical healing was secondary to knowing where we would spend eternity. There was also a great presentation of what God is doing through Benny in other countries.
I was quite amazed and actually a little overwhelmed by how tender and caring Benny was for the people that came on the stage to be prayed for; I could literally feel the love he had for them. His words were gentle and kind. At one point there was hesitancy on the part of a man struggling with cancer. Benny turned off the microphone and spoke to him like there was no one else in the room.
The Holy Spirit was definitely present towards the end of the event and Benny did an excellent job of focusing people onto what the Lord wanted to do in their lives. He made it quite clear several times that they did not have to wait for him in order for the Lord to move. I was pleased to see how Benny was so sensitive to the Holy Spirit and felt myself desiring more of that type of sensitivity during a corporate setting at other meetings I have attended led by other ministers.
I know that Benny has taken lots of hits in the media and in church circles. I understand that his use of scripture is sometimes sloppy and that his lifestyle is one of the rich and famous. And that bothers me but I keep thinking:
Who am I to know all the ways of the Lord? The Lord has worked through much stranger people than Benny Hinn and has used lots of different methods to bring healing to the hurt and needy; some of them quite strange.
The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY is the same yardstick to measure me; there is some good, some bad, and some ugly; and God uses me anyways.
I am glad to be a continuing piece of God's artwork; although the pain of the Sculptor's hands shaping me is difficult I love to see what He is doing in and through me. I am also glad My Father is willing to see me through this messy process.