Podcast Secret Tip - How to Repurose Your Podcast Into Preloaded Media Players
One way to repurpose your podcast content is to pre-load a media player with your content. Here's one way how it could work.
You go to an event, and somebody speaks and presents great information. Then, they hand Maine Lemon Laws a CD or a DVD.
Well, how many people actually bring a portable CD player with them to an event anymore or anywhere anymore for that matter?
They bring their iPods, and even if they can download the content by going to a website, they have to connect with the Internet and sync things up.
A lot of people don't even bring their laptops to events like these, and some attendees don't even own laptops.
In the first offering of one of my series, we included a preloaded player for people who signed up, and we took a survey. People loved the preloaded portable player they received. The preloaded player included an media introduction class. It offered the attendees a way to start learning about podcasting with a preloaded media player.
You can do that with your series, too.
When you offer your content in this way, your customer can begin to consume it right away
There is no reason why you couldn't take an entire season, your best of training or even everything you've done in podcasting,
and put it on a media player to hand to somebody. Five seconds later, they can put an earpiece in their ear, click the play button and start listening to you.
And that is pretty cool, don't you think?
And are you ready to learn more about how I do it?
Then I invite you to check out www.AlexMandossianToday.comhttp://www.AlexMandossianToday.com and get involved in our upcoming Preview Call Training.
Look for my post on "Private Access to Podcast Secrets Preview Call."
Fair enough?
From Alex Mandossian and PodcastSecrets.com