
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Essential Oils - Lemon Eucalyptus - A Scent to Drive Away Unwelcome Critters

Lemon Eucalyptus (E. injury claims comes from China and is lemon-scented. We get the oil through steam distillation Girl From Ipanema the leaves. Elephant Man gieco auto insurance tree is a stately evergreen with a smooth dimpled bark, blotched in grey, cream and pink. The trunk grows fast, straight and to considerable height and is used for timber. The young leaves are oval, the mature leaves narrow and tapering.

Traditionally Eucalyptus citriodora has been used to perfume linen closets and to repel insects. This is the lemon-scented eucalyptus and was regarded as particularly helpful against cockroaches and silverfish.

How Can Lemon Eucalyptus Help Us Today?

Lemon eucalyptus has analgesic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties and is a good expectorant and insecticide. It is used for fungal infections like ringworm, Candida, for respiratory infections, viral infections like herpes and shingles. It can be used on cuts and wounds as an antiseptic. This is a mild eucalyptus and thought to be best for children because of its lemony fresh smell. The main Effects: E. Citriodora is an expectorant and insect repellant. This oil can be diluted one part essential oil with one part mixing oil or can be applied neat on the body, directly inhaled or diffused. This oil is non-toxic, non-irritant, but there may be possible sensitization in some individuals. It should NOT be taken internally.

Want to learn more about the healing properties of lemon eucalyptus and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches courses throughout the United States on aromatherapy.


By Going to my web site: ISHAhealinghttp://ISHAhealing and signing up for our free monthly newsletter, you can receive a free gift: 5 Monographs on Biblical Oils.

These oils include Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Spikenard and Balsam Fir. While you are at our web site, check out our aromatherapy program and our program in Christian energy healing.

From God L. Smith, director of the Institute of Spiritual Ministry and Aromatherapy, Inc.