Gold Credit Cards
Gold credit cards along with platinum and other 'precious metal' cards comprise the upper crust in the credit card industry. With so many credit card applications and offers stuffing your mailbox, credit card issuers need to find ways to attract your attention ... and few things arrest the eyes as quickly as gold.
Since they are supposed to convey a sense of status, gold credit cards tend to come with many extra perks. Gold credit cards are designed for people who mercedes car insurance a lot, tend to make many purchases at home or while on travel, and prefer to pay off the entire balance life assurance quote each month. This profile suggests people with higher incomes. The income requirement for gold credit cards would be in the order of at least $50,000 a year, and this must come in tandem with a solid credit record.
Assuming you have the income and the credit record to qualify for gold credit cards, it may interest you to know that they are especially useful if you want a card with generous reward schemes and/or special insurance cover. If you are in the market for gold credit cards, you may wish to compare the various credit card applications, particularly on the following features:
- Interest rates. Privileges and perks come at a price, and gold credit cards are no exception. High interest rates is the result of generous reward credit cards. Commonwealth Bank's 20.74% p.a. is indicative, and the rates of other gold credit cards will vary around this figure. But since your assumed preference is to pay off all amounts due, the interest rate should not matter so much ? unless you happen to miss a payment.
- Annual fee. Gold credit cards usually have expensive annual fees. Normal range is usually between $90 and $150 annually. You can recoup this cost if you strictly follow the rule on full payment on each monthly statement, which saves interest, and through the more generous rewards and benefits package.
- Credit limit. Your gold card credit limit will be higher than standard cards. Some gold credit cards start with a $5,000 credit limit while those with higher annual fees may give $25,000. It is even possible to get one with no preset spending limit. This is certainly helpful especially when you are on an extended overseas trip.
- Special insurance. Gold credit cards provide free overseas travel and accident (including transit accident) insurance cover for you and your whole family. Conditions for cover may vary, so you should carefully compare them. Some issuers also cover you for emergency medical treatment and for expenses incurred due to unexpected trip cancellations, flight delays, missed connections, and luggage delays. It is not uncommon for issuers to require you to pay a significant amount of your travel arrangements using their card.
- Purchase protection and warranty cover. Purchase protection covers you for new purchases (usually personal items only) that are lost, stolen, or accidentally damaged within a 3-month period. Purchases made with gold credit cards have an extended warranty for 12 more months on top of the manufacturer's warranty.
- Fraud protection. The card should not make you liable for unauthorised or fraudulent purchases, especially when made through the Internet. You might need to inform the card issuer is you think yor card is being misused.
Other benefits like concierge services and additional reward points on certain transactions maybe present. In sum, gold credit cards may be more expensive (in terms of rates and annual fees) but, provided you manage the usage carefully, you will find them worthwhile.
Article by Click 4 Group co-founder R.Greenwood. Richard loves helping consumers get the best deals on financial products. is a leading Australian card comparison website which compares a range of credit cards and debit cards.