
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cathy Banks Auction Work at Home System Explained

These days there are many different ways to make money online and start a supplemental income stream. These alternative online jobs and opportunities are getting more and more attention with our current economic situation. Everyday more people find themselves in need of a second paycheck or even worse a new job.

The important thing to look out for when looking for online opportunities is to avoid scams. For every legitimate online job there are a hundred scams waiting to take your money. This is something to keep in mind when taking a close look at Cathy Banks' auction free car insurance quote at home system.

What Cathy Banks is proposing is a way to make money through online auctions, something that has been around for many years now. With the explosion of eBay and related services selling and reselling products online has become a multibillion dollar business. However as with most money making opportunities as soon as people find something profitable they all rush to it and the market gets flooded.

This is the current case with using online auctions to make a living, it is definitely possible but at this time you would need something to separate yourself from the fierce completion. This involves one of two methods, either out pricing your competition or by selling products they don't have.

The way to accomplish the first method is by finding better wholesalers than your competition; this will allow you to price your products lower than them. The problem is that you are also cutting into your profit margin, however you will still make money from your online auctions. The other method can be done by either creating your own products or auctioning of region specific products for which demand is high and supply limited.

Now the reason that I bring up these methods is to make you aware of the modern methods of making money online through online auctions. Now the auction work at home program currently being marketed by Cathy Banks has nothing to do with these methods of making money through online auctions.

This is the reason why her program is being revealed as a scam her purported methods of making money online rely on setting up fraudulent auctions that only appear to make you money but in the end will hurt you. The only way that Cathy Banks can do what she claims on her site is by running an eBay scam in which her customers set up auctions for products that they never intend on delivering.

Thus the person who will get hurt in this scheme is you as they are using your account to process these fraudulent auction and when the customer requests their money back it will come out of your pocket. Scams like this have come and gone and they eBay community had done a great job of keeping them from surfacing until now.

People should thoroughly research Cathy Banks and auction work at home before investing their hard earned dollars into this system.

For more information on this program read real customer reviews of www.reviewopedia.com/auction-work-at-home.htmCathy Banks and related articles on www.reviewopedia.com/ecurrency-arbitrage.htmecurrency arbitrage.

The Secrets of Litigation Finance

There are secrets to litigation finance that every plaintiff should know prior to applying for lawsuit funding. Too many plaintiffs rush to litigation finance as the answer to their current cash flow problems without completely understanding the intricacies behind litigation funding. This article should shed some light on plaintiff litigation finance and the secrets that some litigation finance companies use to make money

What is litigation finance?

Litigation finance is not a loan but rather it is a cash advance based upon the merits of a lawsuit that provides a plaintiff with sufficient funding to reach the conclusion of the case when the plaintiff will receive his/her fair share of the settlement or verdict. Litigation finance companies invest in the lawsuit itself as opposed to advancing money to the plaintiff in the form of a loan. Litigation finance is not based on a plaintiffs prior credit or bankruptcy status. Other terms used for this type of funding include: lawsuit loan, litigation funding, litigation loan, lawsuit funding, lawsuit finance, lawsuit cash advance, case loan, case cash advance, plaintiff cash advance, litigant funding, pre-settlement loan, pre-settlement lending, pre-settlement cash advance, etc.

How do litigation finance companies make money?

All litigation finance companies are different and charge interest and fees differently. We all agree that litigation finance companies assume a lot of risk due to their investment in the lawsuit as opposed to investing in the plaintiff. The investment is therefore only as solid as the case. We are all familiar with how quickly a good case can get thrown-out or a jury can award a large settlement for a case that we could call frivolous. The United States justice system never ceases to surprise us. With that in mind, the investments of litigation finance companies are risky. They must charge relatively high interest rates on the cases that are successful in order to make-up for the unsuccessful cases. Some litigation finance companies use a multiplier instead of an interest rate which is really just a different way of accomplishing the same thing.

Are there other fees associated with litigation finance?

Again, all litigation finance companies are different and charge interest and fees differently. Generally speaking, the answer to this question is yes. These fees usually show-up on the contract that the plaintiffs attorney must sign and are then taken from the settlement upon a successful case. Some examples of these fees include: origination fees, application fees, documentation fee, closing costs/fees, premature payoff penalty etc. These fees are not that different from traditional loans but plaintiffs should be aware of these so they are not blind-sided when they see these fees.

Is litigation finance a different way of getting my settlement?

Litigation finance should not be a substitute for college student loan consolidation settlement but rather a raft that helps you stay afloat while your attorney fights for you. Too many plaintiffs apply for litigation finance with the belief that litigation finance is simply a different way to get their settlement money. Assuming you win your case, the amount owed to the litigation finance company varies greatly depending upon the length of time between the date of the advance and the date when you receive the settlement/verdict money. You should exhaust other means of funding first. Some good sources of information about litigation finance are The Funding Exchange (www.TheFundingExchange.com) and Expert Law (www.expertlaw.com).


As a plaintiff, you should understand litigation finance and the process of securing funding before you apply. If your expectations are set appropriately and you proceed with litigation finance then you will find that it is a saving grace in the turbulent world of litigation. If you apply for litigation finance without a true understanding then you may be disappointed.

About the author: Tony Perkins is the founder and president of The Funding Exchange ( www.TheFundingExchange.comhttp://www.TheFundingExchange.com) which connects the top litigation funding companies in the country to people in need of a lawsuit loan. The Funding Exchange is not a litigation funding company but rather it is an independent 3rd party company that routes a high volume of applications every day to its network of top litigation finance companies.