Acupuncture - You're Going To Stick Me With What?!
Acupuncture is an ancient and innovative Chinese Medicinal procedure, similar and linked to the other ancient techniques of Acupressure. Acupuncture treatment heals while keeping the body healthy and stress free. The procedure involves inserting fine needles within the skin on predetermined points or meridians, considered energy pathways similar to acupressure. The positive energy that is responsible for good health and a state of wellbeing is know as chi or qi and flows through the energy points known as the meridian. When a person experiences sickness or injury the chi gets blocked and positive energy stops flowing. There are totally 14 paths of energy meridians in our body and 365 acupuncture points distributed on the surface of the body along these 14 meridians.
Special needles or acupressure used at precise locations along these meridians release the blockages by stimulating the trapped chi. This can be compared to a river blocked with debris. Removing the blocking debris allows the river to freely flow without obstruction. Chi, on the situation, may flow either too slowly or too quickly - in either case, acupuncture is normally used to regulate the energy's pace.
Within China, this particular form of medicine has been being practiced for a minimum of four thousand years, with all of these needles being found within archeology digs of the late Shang Dynasty. There are three types and they are; Five Elements, Traditional Yin / Yang Theory and Western (or medical Acupuncture). Although all three have the same system of points and they use similar methods of diagnosis, each takes a dissimilar approach towards treatment of an illness and its cause. Alternative approaches are taken to arrive at the basic cause and treatment of an illness.
The five elements acupuncture, being strictly based on Chinese medicine's five element cycle, believes or assumes that a particular illness is most likely to be caused by either a physical cause or emotional stress. The inner stress has to be treated and eased in order to heal and alleviate the physical symptoms. As the emphasis in five elements is on treating the underlying cause of an illness, it can be a slow process reaching full recovery although it is possible. According to the Yin/Yang theory the overall balance of the Yin and Yang has to be maintained for good health. Simultaneous stimulation of more than one element is achieved by stimulating the different acupuncture points on different meridians together.
Western Acupuncture uses a combination of both Eastern and Western medical techniques, focusing on critical and vital short-term treatment. Among the two categories of medical benefits of Acupuncture, the first type, Anesthetic Acupuncture finds its place in surgeries and dental procedures. Symptomatic or "first aid" is the second sub category. This is used mainly for temporary analgesic pain relieving. Reputable medical research has found it to be effective in treating depression, allergies, asthma, arthritis, infertility, gynecological disorders, migraines and high blood pressure. However, similar to several of the medicines used for energy, acupuncture is most effective when it is used for treating persistent conditions that don't respond readily to conventional medicines, or when dealing with all of the disorders that are related to the lifestyle of that person.
You can find many more Acupuncture and related articles at">Acupuncture Body Points
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