
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Troubleshooting Computer Freeze (Lockup) Problems

How familiar does the following sound? Your computer was working fine, but then suddenly started locking up (aka hanging or freezing), rebooting itself (crashing) or shutting down spontaneously? If you know only too well what I am talking about, then read on! Performing the simple steps below can fix the majority of lockup cases.

1. Check for recently installed software or hardware.

If the lockups started to best life insurance rates after you installed a new peace of hardware, new software program, or new drivers, uninstall it and see if the problem goes away.

2. Run your antivirus program.

One of the first things to do in the case of sudden lockups is to run your antivirus program. Check your antivirus manufacturer's website for updates and latest virus definition files. (This is absolutely necessary, outdated antivirus is not going to be of any use!) If you don't have antivirus software installed - or if updates are unavailable - run one of the web-based antivirus scans that some major antivirus vendors like Trend Micro are offering for free. You can find a comprehensive list of available web-based scans and free antivirus programs on rel="nofollow" free-antivirus.info/free-antivirus.info.

3. Run some good spyware removal tool.

If your machine is not infected with any viruses, it is still possible that it has some harmful adware or spyware is present. Download and run some good spyware removal tool such as AdAware or Microsoft AntiSpyware. Check rel="nofollow" free-antivirus.info/free-antivirus.info for a list of free spyware removal applications.

4. Check for free hard drive space.

When no viruses are found, check out free hard drive space on drive C:. Make sure there is more than 20% of free space available; low disk space can lead to random lockups.

5. Check for overheating.

Overheating is another known cause of lockups. It can be caused by problems with fans conference calls unlimited the case, dust buildup, or other cooling problems. Make sure the power supply fan and CPU fan are running and free of dust buildup. You can check the temperatures inside the case by running Motherboard monitor
rel="nofollow" mbm.livewiredevmbm.livewiredev
- make sure the temperatures are within the preset limits. Be very careful while cleaning inside the computer case (use plastic vacuum crevice tool) and NEVER OPEN THE POWER SUPPLY CASE as it contains high voltage.

6. Check the hard disk.

Check the hard disk - it is possible that its logical structure is corrupted. To check the disk for errors, right-click on the disk C: icon in "My Computer", select the "Tools" tab, check all check boxes in the "Check disk options" field, and press the "Check now" button. It should ask whether you want to schedule the check next time you restart your computer - answer "Yes" and restart your PC. The check will be performed automatically after startup; it can take a while, so be patient. The program will attempt to fix some problems automatically however, if the hard disk is failing physically, it will need to be replaced. It is also a good idea to run Disk Defragmenter (located in Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > System Tools) to optimize data placement on the hard disk for increased performance and reliability.

7. Check the memory.

Sometimes random lockups can be attributed to the computer memory (RAM) starting to fail. You can test the memory by running Windows Memory Diagnostic that can be downloaded from rel="nofollow" oca.microsoften/windiag.aspoca.microsoften/windiag.asp. If memory problems are found, try re-seating the RAM (pull it out and plug it back in). If it doesn't work, replace the defective RAM.

8. Check for other hardware problems (advanced users).

More hardware-related problems can be diagnosed by running hardware tests from the Ultimate Boot CD that can be downloaded from rel="nofollow" ultimatebootcdultimatebootcd. However, you should only use it if you know what are you doing - some programs on that CD can be dangerous when used inappropriately (for example, some of them can wipe the contents of your hard disk).

9. Update Windows and drivers.

Some lockups can be caused by outdated software components - update your windows and drives by running a windows update: rel="nofollow" windowsupdate.microsoftwindowsupdate.microsoft (it's good idea to run it regularly).

The above steps will help diagnose and eliminate the most common causes of lockups. Hundreds more of other possible scenarios need to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, as it all goes down to your particular computer configuration. Asking on rel="nofollow" howtofixcomputersbb/index.phpPC
troubleshooting forums/newsgroups should help you figure out solutions to not-so-obvious lockup cases.

Michael Woodford is a computer expert from a team that runs howtofixcomputersbb/index.phpHowToFixcomputers and certfaqCertFAQ.

Do Memory Foam Mattresses Really Make a Difference?

Foam mattresses have become very popular. They are made to form to your body when you climb into bed and you get into our sleep position. For some people, they may take care of all your trouble spots when you lay in your bed at night on a regular mattress.

The foam mattresses help those who are temperature sensitive. It can help someone who loses a lot of body heat while they are sleeping in their bed in their Company car insurance Hampshire home. Foam mattresses can help you stay warmer at night which will help you stay in a deeper sleep, which can build up more energy during your day. This can help your body's immune system fight off any bacteria that is trying to find a way to attack your body.

You can choose the firmness of your foam Anti depressants when you are looking around your New Hampshire mattress stores for that perfect one for your bed. If the foam mattress is the proper one for your bed you will not need to purchase box springs. The support from the foam for your bed will take the pressure off your body and put it all on the mattress, which will help you sleep more sound. This is why you should consider taking a trip to your local retailer to feel a foam bed for yourself. You may find the perfect one for your bed at your New Hampshire home.

There are always sales at mattress stores all year around. The best time to pick up a foam one, though, is when it is around tax time or at the end of the year when the mattress stores in New Hampshire are trying to clear out their stock in the warehouse. So, take advantage of the sale. The amount of comfort that a foam mattress has to offer and their delivery service that is offered through your New Hampshire mattress stores so you can have the perfect bed.

The best metroinfoconcord_nh_03301/Mattress_and_Bedding.phpNH mattress stores are featured on MetroInfo.Find a top metroinfoconcord_nh_03301/Mattress_and_Bedding.phpmattress in NH today!

Christmas Toys For Girls - Gifts That Girls Want

There are a lot of great Christmas toys for girls. Actually, the toys Arizona Lemon Laws a lot of girls want are selling out fast. You may not know which ones to buy. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some Christmas toys for girls.

That way, you can get your little princess the best gifts this year.

The Christmas toys for girls are:

1. Hannah Montana Malibu Beach House. This is a great toy for little girls. The hit show, Hannah Montana, is a TV show that a lot of girls watch. They love it, too. Which is why so many of them want this toy for Christmas.

2. Nintendo DS Lite Metallic Rose. This is a great asp net webhosting game system. The metallic rose color gives it a nice touch for girls. The Nintendo DS Lite has a ton of games that are fun to play. This will make a great gift for your girls.

3. Kidizoom Digital Camera- Pink. This is another great Christmas toy for girls. It's actually a great toy for little girls. The Kidizoom digital camera is durable. The pink color is a chosen mostly by girls. The Kidizoom Digital Camera also comes in orange and blue.

4. Littlest Pet Shop- 10 Pack of Pets. The Littlest Pet Shop comes with small toy pets. It's a toy that a lot of girls want this year. A great gift for girls over the age of 4.

5. Nintendo Wii with the game 'We Cheer'. The Nintendo Wii is an awesome game system. It's one of the best. The game, 'We Cheer', is a cheerleading game. A lot of girls love playing this game.

These are some of the best Christmas toys for girls. If you want to see your little princess' face light up this year, you should get her the gifts mentioned above. She will love getting these toys for Christmas.

If you want to get your girls the best Christmas gifts this year at the best price, click on the link below:

christmas--gifts-for-kids.blogspotChristmas Toys For Girls

Php - An In-Depth Look

What is PHP?

PHP stands for PHP: HyperText Preprocessor, it is a server-side scripting language, and as the name goes, it is to create dynamic and interactive Websites for your visitors. Maybe you currently make your Websites in HTML? HTML alone cannot create dynamic Web pages, HTML is clearly defined as a static language, as it is always static and mainly is used for structuring (or styling, in some cases) a document (or a Web page, if you like).

What do we mean by server-side scripting?

You may already know, but HTML is a client-side language, so the browser translates the HTML code into "bytecode" that the computer can understand, and so the computer translates bytecode into what we can clearly understand, text, for example. Server-side scripting is a little different, a little bit more added to the story. As with PHP, server-side scripting languages have an interpreter inside a machine, that translates the code (in our case, PHP code) to HTML code (that the browser can understand), and then the same process will take place with the browser translating the HTML code to bytecode, and so forth. With server-side scripting van insurance you don't need anything adding to your browser or computer, as the interpreter inside the machine that hosts the particular Website does most impotence cause the work.

What's the fuss with server-side scripting languages, then?

The thing that makes server-side scripting a must nowadays is because it can generate dynamic Web pages, but what do we mean by dynamic Web pages? Well, imagine you wanted to start a forum, and you used HTML. Okay, you used a form to submit the data and it is sent to your e-mail address, and you have to edit the static Web page every time you want a new post added. That, to me, would be the most annoying job of creating a Website. However, with PHP (or any other server-side scripting language, for that matter), can be completely automated, and you'd not have to edit your file even once! The thing that PHP does, is sends the form data to a different page, saves it in "pre-defined" variables (things that store a value), and using something called a "while loop" that continually loops all the posts saved in the Web page - and that's it! PHP stores the posts in a MySQL database (something that holds data, if you like, like member accounts, etc) and uses that as long-term memory.

But if we're talking about server-side scripting languages, what makes PHP different from the rest? Well, simply put, PHP is probably the best thing that has come into the server-side scripting genre. If you have heard about other scripting languages like Perl or ASP/ASP.NET, you'll come to find that they are extremely hard to learn from. Put it this way, the majority of Web developers that use ASP.NET, for example, are those who have come from a different programming background, like have known VBScript, or other languages that's in relation to ASP.NET, the same with Perl. The difference between PHP and the rest, is PHP is incredibly easy to learn, especially for the newbies towards this industry, and PHP has took several steps to ensure an easy introduction to those newbies to the world of programming. Let's do an example, lets see which is the easiest to understand, out of PHP, VBScript and Perl, by doing a simple "Hello World" program, that outputs text to a Web page:


echo "This is some text that'll be shown in a Web page...";


Response.Write("This is some text that'll be shown in a Web page...");



print "content-type: text/html nn";

print "This is some text that'll be shown in a Web page...";

Okay, now I am not going to say things like "well, obviously PHP is the easiest to understand" - as obviously, we all have different preferences, but what I can say is, that they all do the same thing. Which seems the most logical to you? In my opinion, the two most logical ones for me is PHP and VBScript/(ASP.NET).

Now it's up to you which one you want to go ahead with, experiment which one is best for you, after all, we all have dfferent tastes.

Good luck!

Below are a few resources to get started with PHP:

# - w3schools

# - php.net

# - mysql