The Importance Of Working With An MLM Company That Offers A 'Non Me-Too' Product Or Service
Having a non me-too product in Network Marketing is very important. What is a non me-too product? It is a product that cannot be copied by a competitor easily. Let's face it, in today's business world if car insurance com can be copied you will be copied. Many, many network marketing companies have gone under simply because they were copied by their competition.
Most customers think of price and convenience when they make their buying decisions. If your network marketing company is selling soap or detergent then there better be something unique and special about their products, otherwise auto ins quotes customer will just rush down to wal-mart. If your company is offering a service, then likewise their better be something special and unique about cheap life assurance service.
The network marketing company I chose when I first got started in MLM offered a service. The federal loan consolidation program offered was for a low monthly fee of $36.00 or less. One of the main reasons I joined this company was because the company offered a unique non me-too service which filled a need in the marketplace. It also had taken the company years to build and couldn't be copied easily. Having been an entrepreneur for a while I knew going in that no product or service was going to be perfect, but having a non me-too service would help me build a stable long term business.
A network marketing company that doesn't have a non me-too product or service and doesn't compete in the marketplace will fall. An independant business owner needs to understand this. It's just the nature of our capitalistic society, and the network marketing industry is not immune. You hear a lot of hype at recruiting meetings about this company's products vs. the other company's. Independent Business Owners (IBO's) should think like an entrepreneur and research their companies products or service before getting started.
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