Environmental Predictions of Water Shortages
Australia has birth control patches lowest average annual rainfall Idaho Lemon Laws all credit card apply continents at 472mm per the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Not only is the continent naturally dry because of normal climactic conditions, drought conditions have worsened due to El Nino-Southern Oscillation which reduces rainfall further in the Spring and Winter seasons. This has led to growing concerns that the entire continent's population must address the issue of water supply and consumption now in order to prepare for population growth.
The environmental predictions of water shortages in Australia in relation to increasing populations make it very clear that Australians must address the problem in terms of long term solutions. As of June 2007, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported there are 21 million people living in Australia. In 20 years the population is expected to increase to somewhere between 26 to 29 million people. Obviously, if there is a water shortage now then the problem will only be aggravated with continued population increases.
The Australian population grows by approximately 1.5% every year. Per the Natural Water Commission, the major cities in Australia are experiencing low water storage amounts.
* Brisbane - 22% of storages full
* Sydney - 37% of storages full
* Melbourne - 35% of storages full
* Adelaide - 50% full of storage full
But statistics can be deceiving if you don't know the whole story. For example, Adelaide has 50% of water storages full but the city has a very small water storage system. Adelaide has relied on the water from the Murray River so the city only stores 3 months of water even when the storages are full.
The reason storages are so low is primarily because there has been a decline in rainfall coupled with a steady increase in population. Per the Water Services Association, cities like Sydney must reduce its water use by 54% or there will be a server water shortage within 25 years. Melbourne must reduce water usage by 41% and Brisbane by 51%.
Multiple Responses to a Single Problem
To address the problem of not having enough water for current and expected populations requires multiple responses. People purchase auto insurance to reduce their water consumption, but they also need to find ways to collect this natural resource so it can be used rather than just allowing it to flow into storm drain systems.
One of the main recommendations of Australian scientists and environmentalists is to use rainwater tanks. These tanks can be used to collect the rain which rolls off the roofs of homes and then reused for both indoor and outdoor use. The recycled rainwater is collected in a big tank which is located either on top of or under the ground. The water can than be used to wash cars, water the lawn, tend the garden, clean the house, wash clothes and flush toilets.
The environmental predictions of water shortages are warning people in plenty of time to deal with the problem. The use of watertanks such as the poly water tanks or the slimline rainwater tanks are growing in popularity. Australians have many steps they can take to reduce the annual per capita water usage figures and installing rain water tanks is one of the easiest, quickest and most effective means of doing so. The more water used out of the collection tanks, the less mains water being used.
Olympic Water Tanks specialises in providing supplying and installing all types water tanks and rainwater tanks. For more information and a free quote visit olympicwatertanks.auWater Tanks.
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