Build an Internet Business and Beat the Recession
Learn to build an Internet Business and beat 1957 58 Topps basketball cards Recession. Not by joining business opportunities, but by building your own business that makes you a realistic profit. Since making money 1869 Peck and Snyder baseball card the Internet is the reason people want to start an Internet Business, let's take a look at what's involved, what is going to make the money?
What are people going to willingly... even happily, give you money for?
There are plenty of options, but they break down to two categories.
1. Sell what you own.
2. Sell what others own, but will give you a commission to sell.
In this article, I'm going to deal with making money on the Internet using the first category, which is sell what you own. I'll cover selling what others own in a later article.
So what can you sell that own?
Well you can sell, a Product, a Service or Information.
If you have a Product or a Service, you have that option, but I want to tell you about selling information, as it's one of the best methods of making money on-line.
This is only basic information on how to do this, as the full method would take several pages, but this will give you a good start.
Before you start thinking that you don't have information to sell, just think about what you have done with your life? What jobs, hobbies, skills or life experiences have you had?
What are you good at?
What do you find football cards to do, but others find difficult?
What information do you have that few people know?
Let's do a quick exercise, where I'm going to show you how to drag this information out of your head.
Please Get a pen and large sheet of paper and draw a circle in the middle of the page.
In that circle, put the word "ME".
Next, draw four lines around an inch long, one at the top of the circle, one at the bottom of the circle, one to the left of the circle and finally, one to the right of the circle.
At the end of the line at the top of the circle, write the word Hobbies.
At the end of the line at the bottom of the circle, write the word Jobs.
At the end of the line to the left of the circle write the word Life Experiences.
At the end of the line to the right of the circle.write the word Skills.
These are your four options to find information that you already know.
Next, you need to take one of the options and start making a list for each, for example, let's take hobbies, because making money on the Internet from hobbies has always been a good option, but selling information about those hobbies is even better.
So start your list from when you were a child.
Did you play ball?
What type?
What did you collect?
Did you make things?
Keep asking these questions and just write, don't stop to think about if it would make money or not, just write ... and keep writing until you have no more options.
Next, move on to another option, and keep going until you have a list for hobbies , jobs, skills & life experiences. Then take a break of at least 30 minutes and come back to the page and take another look to see did you forget anything.
What do I know about....?
Next, you need to ask yourself a question and write the answers on the page.
The questions is, "what do I know about....?"
For example, if one of the hobbies you picked was Crossword Puzzles, you might find that you know lots of Crossword tip, you know how to make crosswords and you know some crossword history. So now you know that you have information about Crossword tip, How to make crosswords, crossword history.
Repeat this step for everything you have in your lists.
In my next Article, I'll show you how to see if people want this information.
Successful Internet Marketing Specialist Eoin O'Leary will teach you how to build a Tarzan action figure on-line business from his Blog and starting in 2009, a how-to video collection. Visit where you can find out more.
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