Donald Trump Rescues Ed McMahon
Like a knight in shining armor, Donald Trump has stepped up to the plate and taken the bull by the horns in order to save one of the world's most beloved celebrities. Big cuddly teddy bear Ed McMahon, long-time "Tonight Show" second banana, was in danger of losing his home to foreclosure, due to a series of medical misfortunes, not the least of which was a serious neck injury requiring multiple operations that made him unable to work. And like the cavalry galloping to the rescue, Donald Trump arrived just in the nick of time to save the day.
The Donald has arranged to buy McMahon's property and lease it back to him. The technical term for such an arrangement is "putting his money where his heart is."
When Ed's dire financial straits were first made public, there was a rumor circulating through the blogosphere that celebrities would organize a telethon to bail out the Big Mac. Unfortunately, that never did materialize. If it had, it would have been highly appropriate. After all, Ed McMahon, the proverbial king of all telethons, participated in countless South Carolina truck accident lawyers events himself. Whenever the call went out to raise money for a worthy cause, he was always the first in line. Over the course of his long career, the humanitarian-philanthropist raised millions of dollars for charity.
No less charitable with his own time, Ed gave a myriad of burgeoning entertainers their first big break on the "Tonight Show." He even created "Star Search" to provide exposure for new talent.
Big Ed's big heart is the stuff that legends are made of. It is a well-known fact that the reason he got into financial difficulties in the first Missouri auto accident attorney was because he was generous to a fault. It is no secret that the reason why Ed's home has six bedrooms is because he was always assisting others down on their luck, always ready to lend a helping hand, taking in struggling strays off the street.
That was why everyone fully expected the celebrity community to come to his aid. Many of them own multiple mansions, and could easily have turned one of them over to Ed outright, or at the very least, allowed him to live in one of their surplus vacation homes. And it would have cost them nothing - they could have simply written it off as a charitable donation.
Consequently, the episode has been a gigantic black eye for the entire galaxy of stars, many of whom owe their vast fortunes, if not their careers to Ed. To see him languish in the lap of poverty, after doing so much for so many, is a sorry sight indeed. He was always there for them, but when his hour of need arrived like a thief in the night, they turned their backs on him.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, (who by the way, does not even know Ed McMahon personally) showed his true mettle. Any one of them could have done it. Kudos to the one who actually did.
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